Well, of course I follow this site closely as it's a testbed for our Active Discovery Application Framework and as of course we would like to earn a bit from it.
I'm also recently involved a bit more in SEO type things as of course we want our (and more important, our customers) sites to be found. What amazes me a bit is why this site does not show up when I search in Google for "Rafting Cagayan". I even put some titles and keywords in our Cagayan page, but no result.
Well, I'm not a SEO expert, but this site is quite high on Rafting Philippines, maybe Rafting Luzon or Mindanao, but nog Cagayan and that's where the whole site started even!
Well, will continue me learning and of course this article is none of the business of Rafting people, but just wanted to share.
Hope you'll blog here about Rafting!